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"Feels very sensitive to the voter's expectations": Putin about the attitude towards Trump, the case of Skripale and the G20 summit

6/27/2019, 10:27:37 PM

Vladimir Putin said that Donald Trump is a talented person, as well as a politician who subtly feels that a voter is waiting for him. This was the Russian leader said in an interview with the Financial Times. The text of the conversation is published on the Kremlin website. The president also shared his expectations from the G20 summit in Osaka, spoke about the “spy fuss” in the Skripale case and answered the question about the successor.


The interview took place on the eve of the G20 summit in the Japanese city of Osaka. In this regard, the Russian leader spoke about expectations from the upcoming international summit.

“I would very much like all the participants in this event, and the G20, a key international forum dedicated to the development of the world economy, to confirm their intentions to develop common rules that everyone will adhere to, and show a desire and desire to strengthen international financial and economic trade institutions. Everything else is the details that are applied to the main themes, ”the Kremlin’s website quotes the president.

He also stressed that Russia supports the Japanese presidency, even though "it is difficult to wait for any breakthrough decisions in modern conditions." According to him, there is hope that the general course of the discussions will create a "basis for positive progress."

About Trump

Vladimir Putin called his American counterpart "a talented person" who responds very subtly to the demands of American society.

“Mr. Trump, he is not a career politician, he has his own vision of the world and his own vision of US national interests. For example, I disagree with many ways of solving problems that he uses. But you know what's the matter, in my opinion? He is a talented person. He very subtly feels what the voter is expecting from him, ”Putin explained.

The Russian leader also indicated that he would not go to give assessments of the activities of the head of the White House, but, like many, I would like to understand the motives for his "extraordinary behavior." According to him, ordinary Americans appreciate Trump for the fact that he "at least does something."

"People who are concerned about this, ordinary citizens of the United States, of course, they look, they say: here is a good young man, at least doing something, at least offering something, looking for a solution," Putin said.

About the case of Skripale

The head of state was also asked about the poisoning in the British Salisbury of the ex-colonel of the GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The British side blames Russia for what happened, however, as noted in Moscow, this is being done without proof.

According to Vladimir Putin, in this situation, the UK must first prove Russia's involvement. He stressed that the case of Skripaley should be “left alone, let the special services understand themselves”.

“All this fussing around spies and counter-spies, it is not worth serious interstate relations. Because all this espionage fuss, it is not worth, as we say, five kopecks. Or five pounds. And the issues of interstate relations - everything is measured in billions and the fate of millions of people. Well, is it possible to put one on the scales with one another? ”- the Russian leader wondered.

He also expressed confidence that both states are interested in a full-scale restoration of relations.

About successor

Vladimir Putin said that the question of his successor as head of state has been relevant for him since 2000.

“The situation is changing, certain requirements for people are changing. And in the end, I will say this without any averting and exaggeration, or without any beauty, in the end the decision must be made by the Russian people. Whatever the acting leader does, no matter who he represents, the final word is up to the voter, a citizen of the Russian Federation, ”Putin said.

He also pointed out that in the matter of electing the head of the executive branch, Russia is a more democratic country than the United Kingdom. The Russian leader noted that the presidential elections in the country are held by universal direct secret voting. ”

“You have one leader left, the second leader, who is actually the first person in the state after the fact, the first person to head the executive power, is not elected by direct secret voting of the population, he is elected by the ruling party,” the President of the Russian Federation noted.

On the contracts of INF and START-3

At the same time, the Russian president expressed the hope that he would be able to talk with Donald Trump about a number of joint treaties affecting the topic of rocket weapons. The head of state recalled that the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, then from the Medium and Short-Range Missile Treaty (INF Treaty), and now the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-3) is on the agenda .

“We said that we are ready for negotiations, ready for the extension of this Treaty between the United States and Russia, but so far we see nothing, no initiative from our American partners — there is nothing, and in 2021 it is pumped. If negotiations are not started now - everything, he will “die”, because there will simply be no time even for formalities, ”Putin explained.

According to him, if the START-3 is not extended, then there will not be any “tools that hold back the arms race” in the world.


Another important topic of discussion was the conflict in Syria. According to Putin, the decision to provide military assistance to Damascus was taken after careful weighing of all the circumstances.

“In the end, I considered that the positive effect of our active participation in Syrian affairs would be for Russia, for the interests of the Russian Federation, much more than non-interference and passive observation of how the international terrorist international will increase at our borders,” the Russian president said .

He stressed that the Russian side received a good, positive return on the risk taken.

“We have achieved even more than I expected,” Putin said.

The head of state, in particular, noted that the Syrian statehood was preserved and the situation in the Middle East was stabilized, which directly affected security within Russia.

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