Teller Report

In the Federation Council appreciated the statement of the Prime Minister of France on the lifting of sanctions

6/24/2019, 4:27:29 PM

Member of the Federation Council Igor Morozov, in an interview with RT, commented on the words of French Prime Minister Edouard Philip that anti-Russian sanctions can be lifted "at any time."

"The sanctions are counterproductive, they did not give anything that the West wanted, they did not affect the foreign policy of Russia, they did not fundamentally change the structure of the economy that Obama dreamed of, therefore the European Union needs to understand that, first of all, European companies, ”said Morozov.

He stressed that European countries have become the main target of sanctions opposition.

“The French agricultural business, innovative enterprises, aircraft industry, of course, suffered losses. Americans suffered these losses many times less. I think it’s time for the Europeans to take revenge, ”the senator said.

Earlier, French Prime Minister Edouard Philip, after talks with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, said that anti-Russian sanctions could be lifted at any time and expressed hope for diversification of relations between the two countries.