Teller Report

Paris: the pedestrianization of the quays approved by the courts

6/21/2019, 4:27:39 PM

After a marathon, the Court of Appeal validated Friday the pedestrianization of the Seine, decided by the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo.

After a marathon, the Court of Appeal validated Friday the pedestrianization of the Seine, decided by the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo.

The pedestrianization of the banks of the Seine, set up by the mayor (PS) of Paris Anne Hidalgo by a second decree dating from March 2018, was finally ratified after a long judicial soap opera, according to a decision of the Administrative Court of Appeal Friday .

The argument of heritage protection

"The mayor of Paris has legally (prohibited) traffic on the banks of the right bank of the Seine for reasons related to the protection and development" of this site, a World Heritage Site by Unesco " according to the Court, which follows the decision of the first instance upholding the argument of World Heritage protection, and not that of pollution.

>> READ ALSO - The pedestrianization of the lanes on the banks did not reduce traffic jams in Paris

"This police measure is not disproportionate", adds the Court in its decision, rejecting "the actions for annulment" associations and individuals. In addition, "given the existence of alternative routes in the vicinity of the riverbanks and the maintenance of traffic on the high platforms, this traffic ban did not have the effect of making it impossible to cross Paris. 'West is, but only to lengthen the time of this journey,' adds the Court.

The Mayor of Paris welcomes

"Parisians and Parisians, our children and grandchildren, will be able to enjoy this park in the heart of the city," said Anne Hidalgo in a statement, strongly criticized in this case for taking without decision and without preparation this decision. The wish of the mayor of Paris was to "transform the urban highway that was on the banks of the Seine right bank into an 8-hectare park that benefits Parisians, Parisians and all lovers of Paris," the statement said of the city hall of Paris. In the wake of this court decision, the city of Paris announces its wish to replace a bitumen road of the Rives de Seine concerned by "lawn (...) from 2020".

For the Hôtel de Ville, this pedestrianization is a "strong measure of ecological transition and improvement of the living environment". According to a BVA poll released Thursday night for La Tribune , Orange, LCI and RTL, 63% of respondents favor the pedestrianization of the platforms.