Teller Report

Iryani calls on the US administration to classify the Houthi militias as a terrorist group

6/21/2019, 10:04:07 PM

The Minister of Information, Muammar Al-Iryani, called on the legitimate government of the United States to classify the Huthi militias as a terrorist group. During his meeting with Assistant Undersecretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Tim Landrknig and Assistant Undersecretary for Public Information and Diplomacy

Minister of Information Muammar Al-Iryani renewed his call on the legitimate government of the United States to classify the Houthi militias as a terrorist group.

During his meeting with Assistant Undersecretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Tim Landrkning and Assistant Undersecretary for Public Information and Public Diplomacy Chris Kam Mir, Al-Iryani reviewed the latest developments in Yemen and the position of constitutional legitimacy led by President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi in support of peace efforts, ending the coup and restoring institutions. The state.

He stressed that the government gives time after time to push the peace process, but the coup militias deal with these efforts in a negative way, and try to exploit the opportunities of peace to strengthen its military position on the ground and continue its terrorist practices against the people of Yemen.

The Minister of Information referred to the tragic humanitarian situation in the governorates under the control of the coup, which reached the extent of famine in many areas, as described by the international organizations, and the difficulties faced by relief organizations in delivering food aid to those in need in those areas. World food to continue its work in Sana'a because of the intransigence of the coup militias and its insistence on diverting aid to serve its war effort.

He referred to the government's efforts to normalize life in the liberated areas, provide services, pay salaries and improve the humanitarian situation of the people of Yemen, praising the role of the Alliance of Legal Support, led by the brothers in Saudi Arabia.

The Minister expressed appreciation of the Yemeni government and people for the role played by the United States of America, and its continued support for constitutional legitimacy, the implementation of international resolutions, and the preservation of the security, unity and stability of our country.

For their part, Landerkning and Pak Mir reiterated their country's steadfast stance on the Yemeni issue, its support for Yemen's constitutional legitimacy, and support for efforts to restore the state and end the coup.

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