Teller Report

Groysman has denied the information about the privatization of Ukraine’s GTS

6/21/2019, 5:54:27 PM

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman denied the information on the preparation of privatization of the country's gas transmission system (GTS).

About this he wrote on his Twitter page.

“Definitely: the Ukrainian gas transportation system cannot be privatized. Our government clearly understands this. Talking about privatization is a lie of some politicians. The government did not take such decisions. Our GTS is the property of the state and the Ukrainian people, ”he pointed out.

Efir on the channel "Ukraine". Definitely: the Ukrainian gas transportation system cannot be privatized. Our order is chitse tse rozumіє. Rozmovi about privatization - nonsense politicians. Squad not uvvaluvav such dissolution. Our CTA is the power of the Ukrainian state to the people.

- Volodymyr Groysman (@VGroysman) June 21, 2019

Earlier, the leader of the Ukrainian Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko, initiated the initiation of a criminal case on artificially bringing the Ukrainian GTS to bankruptcy.

In May, Vadim Rabinovich, a member of the Verkhovna Rada, said that from January 1, 2020, the Ukrainian gas transportation system will turn into scrap metal due to the lack of an agreement with Russia.