Teller Report

Dodon: Moldovan government will build a balanced relationship with Russia

6/21/2019, 6:57:39 PM

The new government of Moldova is interested in building a balanced relationship with Russia. This was stated by the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon.

β€œI assured the Russian partners that after the new parliamentary majority and the government of national accord were formed in the Republic of Moldova, the strategy of a balanced foreign policy and mutually beneficial economic relations will receive a new impetus,” he wrote on Facebook.

Dodon said that during a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Minsk, he discussed the possibility of extending the abolition of customs duties for a number of Moldovan goods.

β€œIn order to maintain positive dynamics, I turned to Russian partners with a request to extend the duty-free export of Moldovan goods to Russia for a new term,” he added.

Earlier, Dodon thanked the Russian leadership for recognizing the new government in the country and supporting its efforts to maintain stability.