Teller Report

The joint military exercise "strong constants / 1" between the UAE and Jordan

6/20/2019, 10:11:48 PM

The joint military exercise began with the strong constants on the land of the UAE between the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates and the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army, which is the embodiment of a busy march of military cooperation between the two countries.

The joint military exercises were launched on the ground between the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates and the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army, which is the embodiment of a long process of military cooperation between the two countries, Based on cooperation, coordination and exchange of various military experiences.

Brigadier Saeed Salimin, the training director, said that the exercise included a series of joint military exercises in the framework of a unified strategy to enhance military cooperation between our armed forces and the Jordanian armed forces. In the face of various threats and threats, especially that the armed forces of the two countries are efficient, experienced and professional, and proved very efficient in all the tasks entrusted to them, both at home and abroad.

He added that the exercise includes a number of key stages that meet the planned objectives, such as strategic transport, planning and implementation, and training at the level of combat groups in the environment of the supposed operations, both the coastal environment or fighting in the built areas, and many joint military exercises using live ammunition .

The joint military exercise is part of the joint exercises between the United Arab Emirates and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the framework of joint military cooperation, with the aim of training in the planning, implementation and management of joint military operations and the activation of unified procedures between different armed forces units Participate in this exercise.

The aim of the exercise is to strengthen military relations, integrate the concepts of planning, management and implementation of military operations and exchange of experiences to contribute to the upgrading of armed forces in the two brotherly countries. The forces will apply a series of joint military exercises to standardize operations and common concepts and training methods.

It is worth noting that this exercise is of double importance, not only for the timing of the situation, as the region is witnessing an unprecedented state of tension that requires our armed forces to be more ready and ready to defend and protect national and national interests and deter anyone who wishes to harm the national capabilities of the Gulf But also because this exercise reflects the common perception of the UAE and Jordan for the importance of solidarity in facing the challenges and crises that plague the region. It also affirms that their security is an integral part of Arab national security.

Military cooperation is one of the pillars of regional security

The military cooperation between the United Arab Emirates and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is one of the main pillars of maintaining security in the Middle East. The two countries stand in a single trench in the face of various challenges and threats in the region. They have actively participated in the international coalition to counter the threat of terrorist " Iraq and Syria. They also participate in the Arab-led coalition led by Saudi Arabia to restore legitimacy in Yemen and support the legitimate government in the face of the Houthi terrorist militias that seek to destroy the unity and capabilities of Yemen. Countries in the affairs of outer skin region and Taatsidian resolve all conspiracies aimed at undermining the security and capabilities of the Arab and Gulf countries.