Teller Report

The Israeli "coordinator" is invading Palestinian society

6/20/2019, 8:45:44 PM

Awad Al-Rajoub-Hebron

From the gate of need and with the help of social networking platforms and offices spread, the military rule of the West Bank is strong, and the "coordinator" is immersed in the daily life of the Palestinians.

From time to time, the coordinator of the Israeli government in the occupied territories - Kamil Abu Rukn - is currently carrying out campaigns to serve the Palestinians, including campaigns to lift the "security ban", a measure taken by the occupation authorities to prevent Palestinians from entering the occupied territories in 1948,

The Coordination Unit for Government Activities in the Territories implements the policy of the occupation government in the West Bank and Gaza, coordinates and links with the Palestinian Authority, and follows the Minister of Defense and is headed by the "Coordinator" at the rank of Major General.

The coordinator activates religious events through the distribution of badges and greeting cards (websites)

Need forced
As soon as the networks are announced about the targeted areas, the workers and dealers are rushed to the liaison offices in the hope that the ban will be lifted and they will get permits to work inside the Green Line, while others interact with their publications to ask about the following target areas.

The coordinator does not miss religious events, and his soldiers deploy at the checkpoints to distribute greeting cards and greetings.

These steps are seen by observers as an attempt by the occupation to communicate directly with the Palestinian society away from the official Palestinian bodies represented by the liaison offices, and to impose the dependence of the Palestinian economy on the Israeli economy.

Soft behavior
The increasing activities of the Coordinator coincides with the suffering of the Palestinian Authority from crises and warnings of its collapse, which is considered to create the atmosphere after the Palestinian Authority and annexation of the West Bank to Israel.

The coordinator controls all aspects of Palestinian life. He is responsible for their movement at the crossings, entry and exit of goods, work permits, treatment, water, electricity and other networks. It differs only in some parts of the role of the military ruler before the advent of the Palestinian Authority.

The Palestinian researcher on the Israeli affairs Adel Sadid says that the "soft behavior" by the coordinator and the expansion of powers and circles affiliated with him means opening the maximum channels of communication and relations with economic institutions, health and agriculture and the general public.

He pointed out that the occupation strategy focuses today on improving life and economic situation and address unemployment as fertile ground to address the political issue and thus appear beautifully as if it exists to help people and their welfare and solve their problems and not an occupying force.

Adel Shedid: Coordinator coordinates all aspects of Palestinian life (websites)

Bahrain Conference
The expansion of the coordinator's powers can not be seen in isolation from the decline of the role of the Palestinian Authority after the invasion of its areas of control less than two decades ago. The coordinator's interventions have a clear impact on the PA and its institutions.

These measures can not be considered in isolation from the deal of the century, which is being prepared "in the sense of bringing the will of the Arab countries and giving legitimacy to the reality of the existing and the annexation of 60% of the West Bank to Israel and take an important position.

Yedioth newspaper reported Wednesday that the former coordinator of the Israeli government, Yoav Mordechai, will participate in the Bahrain Economic Workshop on 25 and 26 of this month, in a new confirmation that it is intended to improve the lives of Palestinians and not find a solution or a state for them.

In parallel with the coordinator's role, Shadid said that Israel has been expanding the participation of Palestinians in various sectors of the economy and services to integrate the Palestinian society into the Israeli economy. "The construction sectors are no longer open, but the industry, hotels, technology, universities, hospitals and others have been opened."

All of this achieves two goals: "Preventing the establishment of an independent Palestinian economic entity and following the Palestinian society to the Israeli economy."

The role of the coordinator is not the end. Rather, the Palestinian analyst draws attention to Israeli preparations for the abolition of the military laws imposed on the West Bank as an occupation zone and the transfer of its powers to a civilian body, which means a fundamental change in the legal status of the West Bank and is no longer occupied under international law.

The occupation works to communicate directly with the Palestinians away from the official authorities (the sites of communication)

He pointed out that the Ministry of Communications is one of the parties to take charge of managing the affairs of the West Bank, which means extending its control over the streets and turning the cities and villages of the West Bank into houses.

The constituents of the state
The Palestinian government, for its part, saw the coordinator's intervention as part of the security and political targeting of the Palestinian Authority, considering the shooting at the Preventive Security headquarters in the city of Nablus a few days ago as part of "attempts to undermine the political and security structure of the state."

With the exception of the success of these attempts, the government relies on the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their awareness and awareness to face all attempts to strike at its structure and immunity, according to government spokesman Ibrahim Melhem.

Commenting on Mordecai's participation in the Bahrain workshop, the government spokesman reiterated "rejecting any participation outside the framework of international legitimacy", describing the workshop as "illegal work that will have no value whatsoever covered by the flourishing of prosperity and development."