Teller Report

Netanyahu is breaking his silence and urging America's support against Iran

6/20/2019, 9:18:33 PM

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday called on the international community to support the United States in the face of Iran, hours after Tehran dropped a US aircraft march near the Strait of Hormuz, amid a dispute between Tehran and Washington over the violation of the aircraft Iran.

"During the past 24 hours, Iran has intensified its aggression against the United States and we all have to reiterate my call to all peace-loving countries to stand by the United States' efforts to stop the Iranian aggression," Netanyahu said.

Asked if the armed forces had changed their alert in response to US President Donald Trump's remarks, the Israeli military spokesman said the Iranian minister had made a serious mistake and that there were documents confirming that the plane was in international airspace when it was dropped.

Trump told reporters he did not feel his administration was pushing him toward conflict, and that in some cases he was doing the opposite. Asked about the shape of the response to Iran, Trump said, "You will know soon."

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said in a tweet that the plane had violated Iranian air space before being targeted near Jabal Mubarak. "We have taken parts of the US military aircraft that were marching in our territorial waters where it was dropped," said Iranian Foreign Minister Jawad Zarif.

Netanyahu has been silent about escalating tensions between Tehran and Washington in recent weeks, but an Israeli minister warned last month that Iran could launch direct or proxy attacks on his country if the crisis escalated.