Teller Report

Municipal in Paris: LREM tops the vote in front of the Hidalgo list

6/20/2019, 8:33:33 PM

Municipal in Paris: LREM tops the vote in front of the Hidalgo list

Paris (AFP)

The Republic in March arrives at the top of the vote in the municipal elections in Paris, with 1 to 4 points ahead of a list led by Anne Hidalgo, and Édouard Philippe is the most cited to run the city, according to a BVA poll broadcast Friday .

The LREM list combined with the MoDem garners 25% of voting intentions if the poll was held on Sunday, whether led by former minister Benjamin Griveaux or MP Cédric Villani, and 22% with Mounir Mahjoubi at its head.

Opposite, the left list of the outgoing mayor Anne Hidalgo supported by the PS, the PCF, Public Place and ecologists collects 21% in all cases, according to this survey for La Tribune, Orange, LCI and RTL.

At nine months of municipal elections in March 2020, a list Republicans led by Rachida Dati collects 15-16% ahead of that of Europe Ecology The Greens at 13%.

The insubordinate France, the National Rally and Agir lists are credited with approximately 5% and Gaspard Gantzer's with 3%. 5% to 6% of respondents do not express any intention to vote.

Asked about the possible top LREM list that would be "the best mayor" for Paris, the Parisians surveyed first quote Edouard Philippe (15%), ahead of Benjamin Griveaux (10%) and Cédric Villani (8%). One in four (24%), however, answers "none of these personalities" and 28% do not pronounce.

Three out of ten Parisians (31%) say they want the current Prime Minister elected, 28% that of Anne Hidalgo and 22% that of Benjamin Griveaux.

Only 42% of respondents are also satisfied with the action of Anne Hidalgo at the head of the city, against 58% of "not satisfied".

To the question: do you wish that Anne Hidalgo "is still mayor of Paris" after the municipal of 2020 ?, 37% respond positively, against 63% who wish that it is not more.

Parisians finally place cleanliness (52%) at the top of the list of priorities to improve the city, in front of safety (38%) and the fight against pollution (36%).

Survey conducted online from June 6 to 11 among 1,294 people registered on the electoral lists, according to the quota method. Margin of error 1,3 to 3 points. Voting intentions are not a forecast of results, but an indication of the balance of power on the day of the survey.

? 2019 AFP