Teller Report

In the EU, they called the topic of the meeting of the SVPD

6/20/2019, 7:48:27 PM

Participants in the joint commission on the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan on the Iranian nuclear program on June 28 in Vienna will discuss further implementation of the transaction.

This is stated in the message on the website of the European Union Foreign Service.

"The meeting was convened to ensure the continued implementation of all paragraphs of the FISSA and discuss ways to solve problems arising from the re-introduction of US sanctions against Iran, as well as recent Iranian statements," the report said.

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry official spokesman Abbas Mousavi said that the meeting of the joint commission on traffic police will be held in Vienna on June 28.

An expert from the Middle East Institute, Nikolai Kozhanov, in an interview with FBA “Economy Today”, assessed the situation in relations between Iran and the United States.