Teller Report

Haftar: A clear and disciplined transitional phase after the liberation of Tripoli

6/20/2019, 10:11:24 PM

The leader of the Libyan National Army, Marshal Khalifa Hafer, stressed that there is a clear and disciplined transitional phase after the liberation of Tripoli. He said that the solution to the Libyan crisis would not only be through the military operation, "the flood of dignity," which the army led against the Tripoli militias.

The head of the Libyan National Army, Marshal Khalifa Hafer, stressed that there is a clear and disciplined transitional stage after the liberation of Tripoli. He said that the solution of the Libyan crisis would not only be through the military operation, "the flood of dignity," led by the army against the Tripoli militias. Transport, and progress towards the center of Tripoli.

"The Libyan authorities want the Europeans to understand the desire of the Libyan people to change their reality and to get out of the crisis, which begins with the fight against terrorism," Hafter said in an interview with Libyan newspapers Al-Adad and Al-Mursed, conducted by al-Rajmeh Heights south of Benghazi. Dismantle the militias and end the rape of power without the authorization of the people. "

When asked about the possibility of changing reality through the "flood of dignity" process in Tripoli alone, Hafter replied: "No, the solution must be on the political track, with the participation of all the Libyans. The military operation aimed at correcting insurmountable security conditions that all political means were unable to address, from the existence of terrorist leaders and their activity in recruiting cells inside Tripoli, to the presence and spread of militias and their control over the Libyan people's money in the Central Bank of Libya there and the practice of kidnapping, extortion and extortion Organized crime and trafficking in people, smuggling of oil and fuel, and even groups of political Islam that disrupted political life, and corrupted the atmosphere, and even reached things to the implementation of foreign agendas that run counter to the interests of the Libyan people completely ».

The military commander said: "This part in short is the target of the military operation, otherwise the Libyan people will find solutions, through dialogue and discussion by peaceful means, political and democratic."

"The situation is excellent, and I call on the Libyan people not to pay attention to the rumor that we may retreat or even think about stopping at this stage. The military operation will not stop," he said. To accomplish all its objectives ».

He added: "The morale of the army is high and its leaders know very well that they are carrying out a great and historic national mission, and their orders are clear and clear. They know that Libya is in danger and that the duty to save them is irreversible."

He also touched on plans after the liberation of Tripoli from extremist militias. "In a smooth and natural way, we will enter a clear and disciplined transitional phase this time in terms of terms and terms. It is important to complete several key tasks in this transition to prepare the ground for a sustainable situation, including the disbanding and disarmament of all militias, the granting of guarantees to all those who cooperate in this area and the dissolution of all objects emanating from the Skhirat Agreement, which has expired and failed to find any way out of the crisis. , But the creation of crises, and of course the formation of a government of national unity will be the task of preparing for this permanent stage that we are talking about ». The military commander stressed that the national unity government will be the "basic pillar" of Libya, after the liberation of Tripoli, adding: "We will have a transition period run by the government of national unity, which will work immediately after the liberation of Tripoli, and if not able to work for logistical reasons or temporary security, Its work from any other city, such as Benghazi or any stable and secure city in the west, east or south, until Tripoli is equipped and moved. We do not differentiate as you know between the city and the other or the destination of the second, we see only one unified Libya ».

"In addition to our distinguished relations with our neighbors in Egypt and Chad, and with our brothers in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan and Kuwait, we have seen an important development in our relations with Algeria and Sudan," he said. We believe that day by day they understand the nature of the army's movement and its contribution to our people in an attempt to emerge from the suffocating situation to a transitional stage and then to a permanent stage in which all suffering ends. "

This comes at a time when the Libyan news agency said that the Libyan armed forces took control of the transit camp, and move towards the center of Tripoli.

On the other hand, the Libyan army confirmed that Tripoli militias suffered heavy losses in lives and equipment, after six hours of fighting, during the failed attack on Tripoli International Airport.

The Libyan news agency that the Red Crescent has transferred 40 bodies of militias, in addition to the occurrence of 15 others in captivity in the Libyan army.

- The Libyan army confirmed that it was a militia

Tripoli suffered heavy casualties

Gear, during the failed attack on

Tripoli International Airport.