Teller Report

For Sarkozy, happiness "is in the test overcome"

6/20/2019, 9:36:39 PM

For Sarkozy, happiness "is in the test overcome"

Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire (France) (AFP)

Former President Nicolas Sarkozy said Thursday that happiness was "in the test overcome", a few days after the validation by the justice of his return in correctional corruption.

"Life is only a test, happiness is not in the test avoided, it is in the overcoming event," said Sarkozy during a ceremony of presentation of the Legion of Honor former Secretary of State for the Family Claude Greff.

The former president was speaking to nearly 200 guests at the town hall of Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire (Indre-et-Loire).

"Life is very difficult, I do not know a person here who could bear an inverse testimony," he added in reference to the death of the wife of Philippe Briand, mayor (LR) of Saint-Cyr-sur -Loire.

The latter, former treasurer of the campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012, is indicted in the Bygmalion case.

"As for pinning, I have experience," he said, before referring to the state of the French right.

"You can only play politics if you love people deeply before you love yourself, but sometimes you get the impression that they love each other a lot, I'm not aiming at anyone," he said. -he says.

"In my long political career, I've been criticized sometimes, including my own friends, for over-broadening too many different people, but I'm telling you, you can never get enough," said the former president. .

"I always preferred the risk of elongation to that of retraction," he added.

"When one begins to fall back on a small cenacle, when one is sectarian, there is never an end.When you enter the phenomenon of retraction on yourself, you find yourself in a situation where the other n can not agree enough with you (...) And in the end, you end up alone, "concluded Mr. Sarkozy.

The Republican party achieved the worst score in its history (8.5%) in the May European elections.

? 2019 AFP

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