Teller Report

Ajara Nchout, myth breaker - RFI

6/20/2019, 8:06:39 PM

By scoring the two goals that allowed Cameroon to snatch its qualification for the knockout stages of the World Cup against the

By Jean-Damien LesayPosted on 20-06-2019Modified on 20-06-2019 at 21:44

By scoring the two goals that allowed Cameroon to snatch its qualification for the knockout stage of the World Cup against New Zealand, Ajara Nchout overcame the fate that seemed to bait on his team.

From our special correspondent in Montpellier,

" We must imagine Sisyphus happy, " concluded Albert Camus in his Myth of Sisyphus . In Montpellier, this Thursday, for their final World Cup pool match against New Zealand, the Cameroonians had something of the son of Eole, sentenced to constantly roll a stone at the top of the mountain before seeing tumble on the other side. Like the indefatigable Gabrielle Onguéné, unhappy in her attempts, the Lionesses did not stop raising a ball that persistently never landed where it was needed: in the cage guarded by the keeper Erin Nayler.

It was necessary to break the spell. That's when Ajara Nchout came up. Two times. Like two flashes. In a domineering but sterile team, the 26-year-old has chosen to throw a big kick into the myth. In any case, to shake the fate of a whole team.

"The last action of our life"

At 0-0 in a match where only victory counted, we had been playing for almost an hour and the Cameroonians did not find the opening against a technically limited but always valiant opponent. There was first this superb volteface in the opponent's area by which Ajara Nchout opened the way to the goal to deceive Nayler for the first time.

When Aurelle Awona scored against her side with a volley unscrewed, it was thought that Cameroon had taken Sisyphus' clothes again. Then time passed. Quick. Too fast to hope to escape the force of myth once again.

Then came the 95th minute. The ultimate chance of an ultimate counterattack. " When I had that ball in the penalty area, " said Ajara Nchout, " I thought it was the last action of our lives. That's why I kept a cool head. Then I put the ball in the bottom. At the bottom. Not above. Not next. Nor in the hands of Nayler. This time it was at the bottom! " We did not want to leave it to chance, " said Ajara Nchout. A myth has collapsed. A star Is Born.

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