Teller Report

Activists warn of mounting campaigns against Syrian refugees in Lebanon

6/20/2019, 8:45:50 PM

Waseem Al-Zuhairi-Beirut

The Syrian political situation in Lebanon has become a controversial issue since the early months of the Syrian revolution. The sharp political division of Lebanon towards the developments in the neighboring country has overshadowed this issue. It has become an item in the quarrels between the forces and parties, which has kept it away from humanitarian and objective approaches. Of its consequences.

As the relative security situation in some Syrian areas improved, voices in Lebanon rose to demand the repatriation of refugees. The Free Patriotic Movement (President Michel Aoun's party) spearheaded these demands and organized movements to support the employment of the Lebanese, The consequences of economic and social crises, and sometimes even security.

This is accompanied by the evacuation of refugee camps and organized campaigns to close Syrian-owned small shops.

Syrians return to their areas in Qalamoun (Reuters)

Priority for the Lebanese citizen
In this context, a member of the Political Bureau of the Free Patriotic Movement Wadih Aql said that his movement called for gradual steps beginning to return the violators of refugees to Syria, especially that there are those who are doing illegal acts, such as the establishment of institutions, shops, factories and agricultural projects, Jobs chances.

In his speech to Al-Jazeera Net, Akl said that there is a Lebanese consensus in principle to return the displaced, but there is a difference on how they return and timing. He felt that Lebanon was suffering from its children and that its people can no longer afford it and that the priority is for the Lebanese citizen.

On the other hand, activists and organizations and human rights organizations reject campaigns against refugees, and recorded movements and sit-ins of activists who rejected what they called the hate speech and stressed respect for international laws and charters.

Former Lebanese minister Tarek Mitri expressed his concern about what he called Lebanese "nerve". He said that he sees a Lebanese national identity being formed or re-invented in the face of sectarian fanaticism and animosity against the Palestinians and Syrians, in a way that makes this identity a denial of universal values.

Mitri told Al-Jazeera Net that these ideas include a total sectarianism and are far from Lebanese values ​​based on respect for diversity and human rights.

He pointed out that the presence of a large number of Syrians cause many problems for the Lebanese, but called for dealing with this issue through a wise policy seeking solutions rather than incitement against them, stressing that the national identity can not be built on hostility to others.

In parallel, the Supreme Defense Council in Lebanon set a deadline for the demolition of the cement rooms of the refugees in the camps of Arsal. The authorities justified their decision by fearing that there were intentions to settle the Syrian refugees.

Activists describe campaigns against Syrian refugees in Lebanon as carrying a hate speech (Al Jazeera)

Absence of government policy
Ziad al-Sayegh, an expert in refugee policy and refugee issues, says there has been an improper management of the IDP file since 2011, saying that the main strategic mistake is the absence of government policy that can balance the sovereign, humanitarian and diplomatic dimensions.

Al-Sayegh said there was a need for political forces to use the refugee file Shamaa and to consider their presence as the cause of the country's problems, but criticized what he called the rush of Syrian refugees to accuse all Lebanese of racism.

The prolongation of the Syrian crisis had increased tension in Lebanon, because it was a small country with limited resources, as well as a reduction in donor funding in recent years, both for refugees and host communities.

He said that the Lebanese dispute over the relationship with the Syrian regime and the interference of Hezbollah in Syria had a negative effect on the refugee issue. He called on the government to invite the ministerial committee responsible for the displacement file to develop a general policy that would protect the rights of the Lebanese.