Teller Report

A gendarme suspected of having coined with criminals on the darknet placed in custody

6/20/2019, 8:39:50 PM

A gendarme working for the center for combating digital crime was arrested and placed in custody Thursday, reports the "Journal du Dimanche & quot ;.

A gendarme working for the center against digital crime was arrested and placed in custody Thursday, reports the "Journal du Dimanche".

A gendarme belonging to the Center for combating digital crimes (C3N), associated with numerous international investigations, was arrested Thursday morning before being placed in custody, reports the JDD .

Sensitive information shared with criminals

According to our colleagues, he is suspected of having negotiated some sensitive information with criminals on the darknet, this hidden part of the Internet where the illegal sale of drugs, weapons and false documents abounds.

The arrest comes nine months after the arrest of "Haurus", an agent of the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI), also suspected of having sold sensitive information to members of organized crime on the darknet, including localizations. mobile phones.