Teller Report

Municipalities in Albania: the political crisis is growing at the head of the executive

6/19/2019, 9:57:26 PM

The political crisis around the upcoming municipal elections is worsening, with positions ever more distant between President Ilir Meta and Prime Minister Edi Rama. The first wants to cancel the poll, the second wants to maintain it ....

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Opposition supporters demonstrate in front of a school building designated as a polling station during an anti-government demonstration in Kavaja on June 19, 2019. REUTERS / Florion Goga

The political crisis surrounding the upcoming municipal elections is getting worse, with positions ever farther apart between President Ilir Meta and Prime Minister Edi Rama. The first wants to cancel the poll, the second wants to maintain it. On the ground, the situation is getting tense.

With our correspondent in Belgrade, Laurent Rouy

The latest rebound in Albania: President Ilir Meta, who declared the cancellation of the municipal elections, wrote to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). He denounces an illegal vote.

Opposite, Prime Minister Edi Rama prides himself on the support of the electoral commission to maintain this election. He considers that the President does not have the prerogatives to cancel an election. He considers that the decision is therefore worthless.

In cities held by the opposition, the situation is getting tense. Example in Shkodra, in the North, where the mayor asked the municipal police to expel the electoral commission. She owed her safety only to the protection of the national police.

In another opposition town, Tropoja, residents ransacked the offices of the electoral commission and threw all the material out the window.

The OSCE, which has to observe the regularity of the vote, expresses its concern but does not take a stand. It seems unlikely that a compromise will be reached by the polls, scheduled for June 30.

To read also: Albania: Passing arms on the municipal elections between President and Prime Minister