Teller Report

Chizhov: SSG still has time to study the evidence of Russia in the case of MH17

6/19/2019, 8:57:26 PM

Vladimir Chizhov, Russia's Permanent Representative to the EU, in an interview with RT, said that the International Joint Investigation Team (SSG) still has time to take into account the evidence presented by Moscow in the case of the Malaysian airliner crash.

“As far as I remember, the beginning of the trial in the case under consideration is scheduled for March of the next year - there is still time to consider all the evidence that the Russian side can or could have presented,” he said.

Earlier, Chizhov commented on the course of the investigation into the causes of the disaster with the Malaysian airliner in 2014, stressing that there was not a hint of objectivity in it.

Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia called unfounded statements, voiced by the SSG, about the alleged involvement of Russians in the crash in 2014 of the airliner, following the flight MN17.