Teller Report

Abu Dhabi Blood Bank collects 47,000 units in 17 months

6/19/2019, 10:06:49 PM

The total blood donation from the beginning of 2018 to the end of May 2019 was 47,348 units, with a total of 41 donors, according to recent statistics from the Blood Bank of SKMC, one of the facilities of the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA). alpha

The total blood donation from the beginning of 2018 to the end of May 2019 was 47,348 units, with a total of 41 donors, according to recent statistics from the Blood Bank of SKMC, one of the facilities of the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA). And 317 donors in the same period.

The bank announced that the total blood donation from the beginning of 2019 until the end of May, was 13 thousand 281 units, in addition to 1004 blood units with blood clotting, noting that the number of donors amounted to 12 thousand and 696 people, in addition to 331 donors through the blood clot, The event was held on the sidelines of a ceremony honoring Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) for organizing donors and institutions supporting blood bank activities.

"Over the past 17 months, from the beginning of 2018 until the end of May 2019, there has been a marked increase in blood donations due to awareness campaigns about the importance of blood donation," Dr. Naima Omazian, Medical Director of Blood Bank, said. .

She noted that the mobile campaigns to donate blood, which roam the vital areas and institutions, attract many donors, such as the achievements of the past year. More than 500 mobile blood donation campaigns have been carried out in government institutions, universities and schools in Abu Dhabi.

Omizian said that donors contributed to providing different blood samples to meet the needs of patients with all their samples. Blood donation does not affect the donor's health.

For donated blood, Omizian noted that all donated blood units are subject to strict and rigorous tests that meet international standards to ensure the highest levels of patient safety, including HIV testing, leukemia virus, hepatitis B and C virus, Syphilis, and other tests.

She pointed out that there are regular donors to the blood bank on a quarterly basis, as they are used to meeting the call of humanity to save the lives of others in need of blood transfusion immediately, especially that the donation does not cause any harm to the health of the donor, but is useful in itself to the health of the donor.