Teller Report

The UN approved the idea of ​​recognizing the victory over Nazism as a world heritage

6/6/2019, 9:53:25 PM

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres supported the initiative of Russia to recognize the victory over Nazism as a world heritage of mankind, said the head of the committee of the Federation Council on international affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

“Mr. Guterres resolutely supported all our initiatives in the UN, including ... recognizing the victory over Nazism as a result of the Second World War as a world heritage of mankind,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

In addition, the organization supported the proposal to proclaim the International Day of Parliamentarism on June 30, as well as the organization in Russia of the World Conference of the highest level on interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue on May 21, 2022.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin urged not to betray history and preserve the truth about the events and victims of the Second World War.