Teller Report

Video .. Residents of Sharjah are sharing the body of the child victim of insecticides

5/29/2019, 7:40:11 PM

Hundreds of citizens and residents of the Sahaba Mosque in Sharjah participated after the Eid prayer today in the funeral of the body of the child Khuzaymah, 10, who died as a result of inhalation of a poison used to fight insects in an apartment next to his house, amid a state of great sadness from the family

Hundreds of citizens and residents of the Sahaba mosque in Sharjah participated in the funeral of the body of Khuzaymah, 10, who died of inhalation of a poison used to fight insects in an apartment next to his house, amidst severe grief from his family and relatives.

The details of the incident went back to last Friday when the child arrived at Al-Qasimi Hospital in Sharjah, died as a result of inhalation of a poison used to control the insects after he was leaked to his family's home through air-conditioning vents from a neighboring house. His twin sister, mother and father suffered suffocations Inhalation of the same toxic substance, and their home in one of the regions in the Emirate.

Sharjah Residents Convince the Body of a Child Victim of Insecticides # UAE_ Today

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) May 29, 2019