Teller Report

Strike followed at France Bleu against morning broadcast on France 3

5/29/2019, 5:37:06 PM

Strike followed at France Bleu against morning broadcast on France 3

Paris (AFP)

A large part of the antennas of France Bleu was disturbed Wednesday by a strike against the project of simultaneous diffusion on France 3 morning news of the 44 local stations.

27% of employees were on strike at France Bleu Wednesday morning, said the direction of the radio to AFP. Twenty morning sessions could not be presented and many more were disturbed.

The SNJ syndicate counted up to two thirds of journalists strikers (on the holders present at the roster Wednesday) and 30 antennas disturbed.

The CFDT, the CGT, South and the UNSA had called on May 23 "all employees of France Bleu to stop work for a period of 24 hours."

The unions demand that the morning broadcast of local France Bleu on various regional branches of France 3 is suspended and not generalized by 2022, as provided by the direction. The project was announced in early May by Radio France and France Télévisions, following an experiment conducted since the beginning of the year in two regions (Sud and Occitanie).

The SNJ also called for a strike, saying that "beyond the question of morning filming, the future of France Bleu is being played out".

"The direction seems to continue its flight forward," snarled the SNJ Wednesday in a statement. "Without additional means, it offers no support for journalists in these projects, which represent a profound upheaval for each of them."

The management "also" shows "its deep ignorance of the state of network employees, already worn out by the successive strategic plans of recent years due to the annual waltz of directors", continues the SNJ, threatening to mobilize "much more strong. "

At France Bleu Isère, a striker journalist expressed his "concern about the forced march of the filmed morning, without consultation, without additional resources, without questioning the right to image of journalists, and with the fear of to be eaten by France 3 ".

On the side of France Télévisions, without criticizing the quality of France Bleu broadcasts at the journalistic and radio level, some people think that the experimentation has given catastrophic results at the television level.

For their part, the CFDT, the CGT, South and the UNSA of Radio France criticize especially the method used, denouncing a "passage in force". They demand an "objective assessment" of experimentation and "real negotiations".

The France Bleu management defended this project on Wednesday.

"This is an important development for France Bleu, to reach new audiences and extend its editorial promise to new media," said Jean-Emmanuel Casalta, the director of France Bleu, adding that "this project highlights legitimate questions of the share of employees ".

Management has proposed a series of meetings and discussions to the trade unions, starting June 7.

"The Nice and Toulouse experiments were positive and we found some areas for improvement, such as technical choices, for example," said Casalta.

? 2019 AFP