Teller Report

Detained a suspect in the assassination attempt on the head of the Volgograd region

5/23/2019, 4:45:12 PM

Criminal authority from the Volgograd region Yevgeny Remezov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of involvement in an attempted assassination attempt on the Volgograd governor in 2016. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the FSB of Russia.

As noted, Remezov was detained together with the UK and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the course of operational investigative activities "to uncover the assassination attempt on the life of the head of the Volgograd region" in 2016.

It is stated that the attempt was made “by setting fire to his household”.

“The criminal“ authority ”of the Volgograd region Yevgeny Remezov was detained in Moscow,” the statement said.

It is reported that earlier involvement in the attempt on the members of the criminal group set up by Remezov was established.

According to law enforcement agencies, “the purpose of the criminal action was to intimidate the head of the region for actions to alienate the central market of Volgograd, which was in a long-term lease from the commercial structures controlled by Remezov, into municipal ownership”.