Teller Report

A model crashes an old statue in order to attract attention to «Instagram»

5/23/2019, 10:11:31 PM

It's crazy what people might do these days to get some attention from their followers on social media. Julia Suska, an influential Polish online model with more than 6,000 followers of Instagram, has been widely criticized for having shown a video,

It's crazy what people might do these days to get some attention from their followers on social media. Julia Suska, an influential Polish online model with more than 6,000 followers of Instagram, was widely criticized for showing a video of a friend, smashing the nose of a 200-year-old statue with a hammer.

The 18-year-old Susca was forced to apologize after her video broke, smashing the nose of the post-war statue in Warsaw, which brought her enormous criticism on the Internet. The horrific video, published in a story by a user on Instagram, shows the young woman carrying a hammer and asking the person behind the camera whether he is filming before breaking the statue's nose. The duo continues to laugh as they walk away, leaving the meaningless statue for local authorities to discover later. Although Suska has yet to reveal the motive behind this vandalism, he believes it was a trick designed to attract followers of social media.

"What happened yesterday should never have happened, and I really regret it because I did it," continued the girl. "I'm really foolish; I will not say what prompted me, why did I do it, because it's more of a special affair, but I really wanted to I apologize to all. "

Susca was unable to stop criticism of this apology, as many continued to express their anger on the Internet, and even demanded her arrest. A local bank reportedly canceled a declaration he had made with the girl because of the incident.