Teller Report

“I am glad that the parents are not silent”: in Perm they will check the gymnasium, which established different passing points for boys and girls

5/23/2019, 4:36:06 PM

In Perm, the prosecutor's office will check the rules for the admission of children to the first class of Grammar School No. 4. The reason was the indignation of parents who noticed that for enrollment following the results of the entrance test, the boys needed to score less points than girls. As the director of the institution explained, this was done to “equalize the gender ratio in the classroom”. The situation was noticed by the local children's ombudsman.

In Perm, parents were outraged by the discrimination of the administration in Grammar School No. 4 named after Kamensky brothers, which established different conditions for admission to first grade for boys and girls.

As follows from the document signed by Tatyana Dyakova, the director of the gymnasium, the passing score for boys was 65.7, for girls — 69.1.

After the appearance of publications in the media, the ombudsman for children’s rights in the Perm Krai Svetlana Denisova took control.

“According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, men and women have equal rights in everything, including education. The separation according to this principle is at least strange. We have federal and regional legislation that regulates the admission of children to educational institutions. Not a single document says that separate claims can be made to boys and girls, ”the ombudsman said in an interview with RT.

Denisova explained that one of the mothers of the future first-grader addressed her, who intends to write a statement in the near future with a request to protect the rights of her child.

“The director told reporters that such rules have been in place for 10 years now and no one was outraged until now. But parents have changed during this time: now they know the rights of their children and are ready to protect them. I know cases when parents, even in court, quite consistently defend their child’s rights to education. As an ombudsman, I am glad that my parents are not silent about the problem, ”said Denisova.

According to her, in this case, another violation was revealed by the educational institution. Federal law does not regulate that when admission to the first class may be any entrance tests.

The Ombudsman sent a request to the Perm Department of Education and is now awaiting the reaction of the officials.

“A gender mark should not be laid upon admission to an educational institution. On this fact is being checked. In the gymnasium, children are admitted according to registration - without a competition, and children are already admitted to the free places for admission tests, ”the RT department’s press service explained.

They stressed that if the gymnasium establishes its own rules for admission, they should not go against the current legislation.

The regional prosecutor's office began to check on this fact.

“Local acts of the gymnasium on admission to the first class will be requested, the management of the educational institution will be interviewed and after studying the situation a legal assessment will be given. In case of violation of the rights of students to free education, prosecutor’s response measures will be taken. But in any case, the conditions for admission should be equal, ”the press service of the supervisory authority said.

The situation was clarified by the director of the institution Tatiana Dyakova. The woman claims that such an admission procedure was established in order to “equalize the gender ratio” in the humanitarian class.

“As a rule, the girls are more diligent, they show the results of the Sabbath school (preparatory courses . - RT ) are higher, and the boys mostly do not have this diligence, so they have lower scores. But then they become leaders. You know who controls the country? As a rule, boys are former, ”Dyakova 59.RU stated.

At the same time, the documents on the admission of children to the first grade, posted on the website of the school, do not indicate that the scores for boys and girls differ.

Online users have criticized such a rule of admission to the gymnasium.

“The manifestation of hatred towards women begins at school. More difficult to do because you're a girl. Inequality, misogyny, antifeminism, can be called as you like. It’s obviously dangerous to give a girl to this school: they already announced at the entrance that, although she had better passed the exams, she still had less rights than the boy, ”said Yana.

Some users saw in this news the interest of parents of girls in a wide resonance of the situation.

“This is probably one of the methods of admission if the child is not prepared for testing. The parent saw that his child did not score points and raised hysteria, ”notes Alexey.

Recall that Grammar school number 4 is not the first time in the field of view of the media. In November 2018, the court fined an educational institution for 50 thousand rubles for unlawfully restricting the right to education under art. 5.57 Administrative Code. Then a tenth-grader was suspended from classes, who came to school in pink hair. Director of the court ordered to pay 30 thousand rubles.

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