Teller Report

"I was a parasite": at the trial of France Telecom, the first words of the civil parties

5/23/2019, 8:03:00 PM

The first testimony of civil parties in the trial of France Telecom and its former leaders were heard Thursday by the Paris Criminal Court. & Nbsp;

The first testimony of civil parties in the trial of France Telecom and its former leaders were heard Thursday by the Criminal Court of Paris.

Accepting to go to work 450 kilometers away from his family and finally be put in the closet: the court heard on Thursday the first testimony of civil parties in the trial of France Telecom and its former leaders, who appear for "moral harassment".

For years, Daniel Doublet and Guy Deschamps have been waiting to talk. They are among the thirty-nine persons selected by the investigating judges: nineteen of them committed suicide, and several had serious depression. They or their relatives will be heard by early July by the Paris Criminal Court on their working conditions, between 2007 and 2010.

"Imagine my isolation"

Daniel Doublet was a senior executive at France Telecom. Until 2004, he was responsible for technical operating centers and had between 150 and 200 agents under his responsibility. Then there was 2005, "terrible year": an investigation on him concluded to a "professional insufficiency". "And yet until I was 55, my assessments were good," he says. The man, now 71, is in a hurry to leave France Telecom, but he is holding on. In May 2015, in an email, officials questioned the procedures to adopt to push this official at the start. One track seems privileged: "assignment of Mr. Doublet on a post if possible far from his home".

In March 2006, he was posted to Besançon, 450 kilometers from his family living in Île-de-France. "From August 2006, after the disappearance of my unit, they do not give me any more work," he tells the court. A situation that lasted until March 2009. To the investigators, the company has provided a list of positions he has held in this period. But it was, according to him, empty shells. "I'm not even in the organization chart! Imagine my isolation, I'm nothing at all, I'm supposedly in charge of mission, but without a mission letter!", He recalls. "Imagine not having a job all this time, and every week, I leave my wife, my children, in the end not to work". He does not touch any more variable part. "It is accompanied by an unbearable devaluation, I was a good for nothing, a parasite". Between 2006 and 2008, he submitted thirty-two applications to get closer to his family. In vain.

READ ALSO - Why the trial of suicides at France Telecom could make jurisprudence

For Nicolas Guérin, secretary general of Orange, the situation of Daniel Doublet "is earlier than plans NExT and Act.This has nothing to do with these plans that are at the heart of the trial. They aimed to transform France Telecom and provided for the abolition of 22,000 positions between 2006 and 2008. On the contrary, Daniel Doublet "found a position in 2006," he says. "I could not impose my colleague territorial director d Ile-de-France to appoint Mr. Doublet "in this region, defends another defendant, Jacques Moulin, who was territorial director of the Eastern region.

"I am still on antidepressants"

After Daniel Doublet, a retired teacher arrived at the helm, whose husband, a France Telecom official, committed suicide in 2006, before the period of prevention. She told a man overwhelmed by his work. "My husband had never had a psychological problem, he was very attentive to the employees with whom he worked in the call center, but maybe not enough to himself." The world of work is not there to you weaken more. "

The day ended with the testimony of Guy Deschamps. "I'm still on antidepressants," he started hesitantly. He took his first drugs in 2007. He has trouble finishing his sentences, goes into details. "It was difficult to manage," he tries to summarize.