Teller Report

US intends to continue consultations with Turkey on the situation with S-400

5/22/2019, 6:15:11 PM

The United States remains concerned about Turkey’s plans to purchase Russian C-400 systems and continues to seek a solution to this issue. This was announced by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO forces in Europe, General USA Air Force Tod Walters.

“Consultations will continue, we are looking for a solution. The United States has already expressed its opinion and will continue to work in order to maintain proper relations with Turkey, which exist between the two allies, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

Walters noted that Turkey remains an important ally of the US in NATO.

Earlier, US Deputy Secretary of Defense Ellen Lord said that Washington is considering the possibility of replacing Turkey as part of the program to create an F-35 fighter bomber in connection with Ankara’s desire to acquire Russian C-400 anti-aircraft missile systems.

Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies at the Peoples' Friendship University, Dmitry Egorechenkov, in an interview with FBA “Economy Today”, commented on the US requirements for Turkey to abandon the purchase of Russian C-400 anti-aircraft missile systems.