Teller Report

The Syrian North: Heavy shelling of civilians and missiles targeting the Hameimim base

5/22/2019, 5:18:23 PM

The number of people killed in air raids on the countryside of Idlib to 14 people in the past hours after the Syrian regime forces stepped up their campaign against several towns in the region, and the bombing caused dozens of wounded, including medics.

The Al-Jazeera correspondent in Syria said that the regime's aircraft launched four raids on the city of Jisr al-Shughour and the village of Ashtarb in the countryside of Idlib, killing one civilian and injuring others, including volunteers in the civil defense.

Earlier, two people were killed and others wounded in the bombing of the regime's aircraft on the towns of Maara Herma and Bara in the countryside Idlib. Eleven civilians were killed last night by a raid targeting a popular market in the city of Ma'arat al-Nu'man in the village of Idlib.

Meanwhile, a military source in the Syrian opposition told Al-Jazeera correspondent that the opposition forces regained control of the town of Kfarabouda and Tel-Hawash, after fierce fighting in the northern countryside of Hama, which resulted in dozens of deaths among the regime's forces.

On the other hand, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Syrian government forces confronted Wednesday morning three major attacks by gunmen in the province of Idlib.

The ministry said in a statement that 500 fighters of the so-called Nasra Front, referring to the Sham Liberation Organization, seven tanks and about 30 small trucks equipped with heavy machine guns participated in the attacks.

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Bombing the base of Hameim
The Russian Defense Ministry said that fighters based in Idlib also launched a rocket attack on the base of Hamimim in the province of Latakia - the main air base of Russian forces in Syria - but their missiles either dropped or did not reach its goal, according to the statement.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said Britain and its allies would decide if Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons system had been used against the people of Idlib province recently.

This came during her weekly parliamentary hearing in response to a question on Britain's conduct on the results of British experts investigating a suspected chlorine attack carried out by the Syrian regime forces in Idlib.