Teller Report

The State Department talked about the difference in the positions of Russia and the United States in Syria

5/22/2019, 4:21:28 PM

Russia and the United States disagree on Syria in fact only on two issues - about Iran’s actions and about supporting the current Syrian government. This was stated by US Special Representative for Syria, James Jeffrey at a hearing in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives.

“I believe that Russia's support for the regime of (Bashar. - RT ) Assad is a mistake. It seems to me that there are other ways, and we talked about this in Sochi, allowing Russia to ensure what we consider to be its minimum interests - to maintain a long-term military presence, as well as to have a stable Syria that is not a refuge for terrorists, ”he quotes Tass

On May 14, in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with Pompeo, who first arrived in Russia as US Secretary of State.

The parties discussed international issues, in particular the conflict in Syria and relations with Iran. Putin and Pompeo also raised the issue of the possible holding of talks between the presidents of the two countries at the G20 summit in Japan in late June. At the end of the meeting, both sides declared their readiness to improve relations.

More information about the meeting - in the material RT.