Teller Report

During his visit to France .. Hafter ruled out a cease-fire in Libya

5/22/2019, 5:57:05 PM

Retired Libyan General Khalifa Hafer told French President Emmanuel Macaron that conditions for a cease-fire near Tripoli were not yet complete, while the head of the Libyan government, Fayez Al-Sarraj, vowed to defeat the aggression against Tripoli, pledging to return to the dialogue table after the end of the war.

A French presidential statement said Haftar added at the meeting held in Makaron in Paris that political dialogue was necessary to get out of the crisis, and expressed his readiness for political talks when conditions are conducive to a ceasefire.

Hafter, who met Macaron in Paris on Wednesday, also said neither he nor his troops were profiting from oil sales in the east of the country.

For his part, the French president asked for the cessation of hostilities as soon as possible.

Before the visit, the French presidency said in a statement that Macron would discuss with Hafer the conditions for reviving or resuming political dialogue in coordination with the United Nations and Paris partners.

OS: Return to political process will be different than it was before the fourth of last April (Anatolia)

Political process
On the other hand, the head of the reconciliation government, Faiz al-Sarraj said on Wednesday that the return to the political process will be different than it was before the fourth of April, referring to the date of the start of the attack Hafter forces on the capital Tripoli.

Al-Sarraj said in a press statement after meeting with Tunisian President Béji Kayed Sibsi in Tunis on Tuesday that the government of reconciliation still believes that the solution in Libya is political rather than military.

But Al-Sarraj stressed that the political process in this case "will certainly differ from what it was on the fourth of last April."

"It was a productive meeting (with Sabsi) during which we explained what is happening in Libya and the attack on the capital Tripoli and its consequences of the displacement of more than one hundred thousand and wounding civilians and targeting of civilian facilities and a lot of violations and abuses of recruitment of children and abuse of bodies."

Tunisia is conducting a tripartite mediation alongside Egypt and Algeria to reach a comprehensive political settlement in Libya in parallel with the efforts of the UN envoy to Libya Ghassan Salameh to end the conflict, establish state institutions and hold fair elections.