Teller Report

Apostolic nuncio, confronted by a complainant, denies sexual assault

5/22/2019, 4:45:05 PM

The Vatican ambassador to France is accused of touching by four men. Confronted with one of the plaintiffs, Luigi Ventura denied the allegations against him.

The Vatican ambassador to France is accused of touching by four men. Confronted with one of the plaintiffs, Luigi Ventura denied the allegations against him.

The Vatican ambassador to France, targeted by an investigation in Paris for "sexual assault," denied Wednesday the facts against the first complainant he faced. The apostolic nuncio, Luigi Ventura, is targeted by the complaints of four men, at least three of whom reproach him for touching.

This case broke out in February with the revelation of the opening of an investigation by the parquet of Paris. A young cadre of the Paris mayor had complained of repeated touching of the apostolic nuncio - from "hands to buttocks" - during a ceremony of vows to the diplomatic authorities in January. Two other complainants then came forward and recounted similar facts, and a fourth complaint was lodged by another man.

A first confrontation that lasted 45 minutes

The 74-year-old bishop is facing several plaintiffs on Wednesday and Thursday morning. The first confrontation lasted 45 minutes at the headquarters of the judicial police in Paris. In the office, facing a police commander and a few meters away from Benjamin, one of the plaintiffs, the Apostolic Nuncio denied having put a hand to his buttocks in full official ceremony, a year ago at the Paris mayor .

"I'm very curious to know if he will have the same head as the first time, just after touching my buttocks, while he was beside me for three seconds." It was a quiet look, very good-natured , a loving father's gaze, "said Benjamin, questioned before this confrontation on Europe 1.

Luigi Ventura had already been heard at his request by the judicial police in mid-April. The bishop, who came in civilian clothes with his Roman collar during this confrontation, answered in French alongside his lawyer. But the procedure has not progressed: the plaintiffs on one side, and the apostolic nuncio, on the other, camp on their positions and clash word by word.

The Vatican does not intend to lift its diplomatic immunity

The four men who accuse the apostolic nuncio dread that the investigation goes no further. Indeed, Luigi Ventura can not be prosecuted until his diplomatic immunity is lifted. The Holy See would not intend to waive this immunity, despite the request of the French authorities. The Apostolic Nuncio should leave Paris by the end of the year with what amounts to a media condemnation, but not a judicial one.