Teller Report

Algerian army warns of "malicious gang schemes"

5/22/2019, 10:15:28 PM

Algerian Deputy Minister of National Defense, General Ahmed Kayed Saleh, urged the people to "be vigilant and not to allow malicious planners to infiltrate it under any circumstances." He added in a statement yesterday that "the anti-corruption approach is based on Solid and hard and soft

Algerian Deputy Minister of National Defense, Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Kayed Saleh, urged the people to be vigilant and not to allow malicious planners to infiltrate it under any circumstances.

"The anti-corruption approach is based on a solid, solid and approach based on firm evidence," he said in a statement, warning of what he called "attempts by the gang to disrupt the efforts of the National People's Army and the justice system."

He continued: «I refer to the great challenge of fighting corruption, which has become a political, financial and media, and multiple lobbies pervading the institutions of the country».

"In this regard, I emphasize that the anti-corruption approach, which necessitated the monitoring and dismantling of all the mines planted in the various institutions and sectors of the State, is a solid and solid approach based on valid and confirmed information, Many files and heavy and even serious, what bothered the gang and terrorized them, rushed to try to block the efforts of the National People's Army and the justice system ».

Earlier, Saleh confirmed his adherence to the presidential elections, scheduled for July 4, at the time, stressing that postponement «will enter the country in a constitutional vacuum».

A source familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters on Sunday that the elections could be delayed due to "the difficulty of organizing logistics in a timely manner, in addition to the opposition in the street."

This came at a time when Algerian police used tear gas yesterday to prevent a sit-in of protesting university students in front of the government headquarters in central Algiers.

Hundreds of students took part in a protest rally in the center of the Algerian capital yesterday to demand the departure of all symbols of the current regime, and refused to hold presidential elections scheduled for July 4.

The security forces, which were heavily deployed around the central post office, blocked any gathering, prompting students to walk towards the government palace, which was "protected" by hundreds of riot police.