Teller Report

«Personal Status» refuses to cancel the divorce «threat»

5/22/2019, 10:16:09 PM

The court ruled that the couple did not object to the divorce ruling until two years after the third shot, in addition to the fact that there is no divorce in accordance with the Maliki school of joking or the term "guidance"

The court ruled that the couple did not object to the divorce ruling until two years after the third shot, in addition to that there is no divorce according to the Maliki school of jokes or the word threat Or other things that are paid by the husbands, divorce is a great grandfather and a great joke.

The details of the case are that a Gulf husband divorces his wife twice because of his permanent use of the right to divorce and threaten his wife if she does not do what she wants, such as being divorced if she receives any of her family members.

According to the case papers, the third shot between the couple took place 10 years after the second shot. The problems between them increased and each of them dared to insult the other, prompting the wife to go to the Family Guidance Department of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department.

The details of the case explained that the family rapporteur initially refused to register her complaint and asked her to return to her senses for the long ten and the children, who became young and young, and with her insistence the husband was asked to confirm that before the family directive there were two previous divorces, Has been sentenced to it, and became divorced divorced and signed the separation that can not be returned only by marrying another and divorce from it.

In his lawsuit, the couple referred to their feelings two years after the divorce, with remorse and error that caused their stubbornness, and the consequent demolition of the family and the dispersal of the children.

The husband asserted in his lawsuit that the first and second rounds were two suspended shots, conditional on the specific act of receiving a member of her family, and that he did not mean when he uttered it, but was in a state of anger, pointing out that his adoption of the two shots in front of the family directive took place in Was a state of nervous and mental fatigue as a result of the sleep disorder he was suffering and his concentration was low and affected his understanding of the questions that were addressed to him at the time, and could not answer with concentration.

The couple did not object to the divorce ruling until two years after the third shot.