Teller Report

The transfer project of "Soir 3" on franceinfo advance

5/20/2019, 5:30:04 PM

The transfer project of "Soir 3" on franceinfo advance

Paris (AFP)

France Télévisions' management has presented for the first time Monday the transfer project on Franceinfo "Evening 3", the emblematic JT France 3, from the start of the 2019, a prospect that raises many oppositions in and out from the public group.

The creation of a new section of enhanced information, from 21:00 to midnight, on the Franceinfo channel, launched in 2016 on TNT, was presented to staff representatives at the group's Social and Economic Committee (SSC), said to AFP a spokesperson for France Télévisions.

It is in this context that the management of the group plans to stop the broadcast of "Evening 3" in September. Instead of this JT which was broadcast at various times, the group wants to propose, with the new evenings of Franceinfo, a 30-minute newspaper (as "Evening 3"), at 23:00.

This new newspaper would be made by the current teams of "Soir 3" and editorial Franceinfo, and would be particularly open to international and Europe (while France 3 wants to focus its programs on regionalization and proximity), argues management.

Moreover, it is no longer a question that this future newspaper, which could be called the "23 hours", is rebroadcast on the antenna of France 3, for reasons of "editorial credibility", a newscast before stick as close to the news, according to an internal document that AFP consulted.

This project revealed in February is not yet finalized, since it will have to be discussed again during a second CSE, or even a third, and the committee should therefore decide in June or July.

But it provokes for several months strong oppositions internally as well as externally.

Three unions of France Televisions, SNJ, CGC and UNSA, besides deposited Monday a notice of strike, calling for a work stoppage of 48H, Sunday and Monday (thus in full vote and announcement of the results of the European elections), for defend this iconic newspaper of the Three.

Several petitions have also been launched, of which one has exceeded 5,000 signatures. Local elected officials and national political leaders, including Benoît Hamon, the Radical Left Party or François Ruffin, also mobilized for the newspaper.

Launched in September 1978, "Soir 3" is presented since 2016 by Francis Letellier on weekdays and Sandrine Aramon on weekends.

? 2019 AFP