Teller Report

Wendy Bouchard: Today, the Special Forces: What mission and what life for these men in the shadows?

5/14/2019, 10:00:07 AM

Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do "The trick of the question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do "The trick of the question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Topic 1: Special Forces: What mission and what life for these men of the shadow?

Facebook question: Do special forces need to communicate more about their missions?

A national tribute ceremony is held this morning at the Invalides to salute the memory of two soldiers, Cédric de Pierrepont and Alain Bertoncello, who died during the hostage rescue operation in Burkina Faso. The members of the Hubert commando, from which the two men came, will be present. Who are the members of this elite commando, unparalleled in the world? What are their missions, their commitments, their areas of operation? How are the special forces formed?

- Didier François , Grand reporter, specialist in military issues in Europe 1

- Charles Villeneuve , Journalist Great Voice of Europe 1

- Army General Benoît Puga , Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and former Commander of the Special Forces from 2004 to 2007

- A (ANONYMOUS) , former commando, expert in CTLO (Against Terrorism and release of hostage), always "active" (in activity) in the army.

+ Our reporters who follow the tribute ceremony.

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