Teller Report

Zakharova responded to the words of Chubais about the poverty of Russians

1/19/2019, 7:00:45 PM

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, asked Anatoly Chubais, the chairman of the board of Rosnano, to explain why a significant part of Russians, according to him, “live very poorly”.

“Russia is the richest country. But why “a significant part of the population lives poorly or very poorly”, I would like to know from a person who has been a member of the government and top manager for key areas of the domestic economy and industry for more detail, ”Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page.

She noted that she was waiting for a response, "as a voucher for a member of the cabinet."

Zakharova said that Chubais wrote that "Russia is a poor country, a significant part of the population lives poor or very poor."

Chubais also said that due to the low cost of electricity, Russia is one of the most energy-wasteful countries in the world.

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