Teller Report

Yellow vests: 2,000 convictions since the beginning of the movement

3/24/2019, 5:35:22 PM

Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet has announced that some 2,000 people have been sentenced since the beginning of the dispute, more than four months ago.

Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet has announced that some 2,000 people have been sentenced since the beginning of the dispute, more than four months ago.

Some 2,000 people have been sentenced among the more than 8,700 detainees since the start of the "yellow vests" protest on 17 November, the Minister of Justice said on Sunday.

40% of prison sentences. "Of the 2,000 judgments (of condemnation, ed) that have already occurred, the figure that should be retained is that 40% are sentences of imprisonment firm and 60% are other types of punishment, by example of work of general interest, reprieve, etc. ", said Nicole Belloubet on BFM TV. "Nearly 1,800" people arrested at demonstrations held every Saturday for more than four months in France, have yet to be judged, she said.

"390 registered warrants". The minister hailed the security measures put in place to oversee Saturday's protests, which after the Paris-Champs Elysees ransacked the week before, did not give rise to any major overflow in the capital. Since the beginning of the movement, the custody of the Seals specified that there had been "390 mandates of deposit pronounced, that is to say people who went in prison or who are there", either within the framework of a conviction, either in pretrial detention pending trial.

The sentences sentenced are very varied and range from one month to three years in prison, sometimes with a portion of probation, according to data from the Chancery.