Teller Report

Witness: Policeman risking his life to rescue three families Suspended vehicles in Wadi al-Bayh in Ras Al Khaimah

3/19/2019, 4:17:57 PM

Salem Hussain al-Houti, 25, of the General Directorate of Ras Al Khaimah Police, rescued eight people from 3 families from the risk of drowning following the disruption of their vehicles in the Wadi Al-Bayh River in the Emirate of Ras Al-Khaimah as a result of heavy rains. The

Salem Hussain al-Houti, 25, of the General Directorate of Ras Al Khaimah Police, rescued eight people from 3 families from the risk of drowning following the disruption of their vehicles in the Wadi Al-Bayh River in the Emirate of Ras Al-Khaimah as a result of heavy rains. The vehicles stuck in the valley with a police patrol vehicle that pulled them to land safely.

"At Ras Al Khaimah Police yesterday evening, we received eight reports of vehicle breakdowns in the Wadi Al-Bayh stream in Ras Al-Khaimah with families and children. I immediately accompanied four policemen to equip traffic patrol from (Bushenb) Land Cruiser, with the equipment for rescue operations. "

"As soon as we arrived at Wadi al-Bayh, we spotted three vehicles, including two vehicles belonging to two families and two vehicles belonging to a family of Asian nationality stranded in the middle of the valley, in a dangerous situation.

"We immediately entered the course of the valley and approached the first vehicle, which was in a precarious position due to its strong draining of the valley. We spotted a citizen and his wife inside and told them that they would be rescued safely and that they must comply with our instructions to avoid the deterioration of the vehicle.

And proceeded to jump in the valley and stuck to the police force so as not to remove the strong water of the valley, and you connect the cord connected to the police vehicle belonging to the citizen in the valley and was pulled out safely and save the family from danger, pointing out that any error in the rescue may put him at risk So he was careful in dealing with the dangerous gorge.

He added that after the rescue of the first vehicle we headed to the rescue of the second vehicle, which was far from our site so we entered the course of the valley with great caution in order to keep our safety and to reach our goal in a safe manner, and continued as soon as we arrived the vehicle turned out to be inside a family citizen of a citizen and his wife and child, Their vehicle with a rope in the police vehicle and was safely towed to the mainland and provided the necessary services to the family and to ensure their safety.

He explained that "we went to the rescue of the third vehicle and found that inside a family of three people were in a state of panic as a result of the drainage of the water of the valley for their vehicle due to the strength of water flowing and heavy rain at the same time, and continued to jump again to the waters of the valley and I linked the vehicle suspended police vehicle was pulled to the mainland Safely.

He added that the rest of the patrols and police and rescue rescued and withdrew the remaining vehicles in the valley to the mainland, where they were all of the young citizens who entered the valley in the belief that they can cut through the valley quickly, but they were surprised by the power of runway, causing the disruption of their vehicles and not be able to exit the mainland Due to the high water level of the valley.

Al-Hooti pointed out that what he has done is a humanitarian act and a national duty and that saving the lives of others is at the heart of his work and that he is ready to sacrifice his life in order to save the lives of anyone who may be at risk.

He added that he could not keep the passengers stranded in the valley for long periods of time and that the police intervened quickly to save them in a timely manner before the water level and the flow of the valley flowed strongly, noting that the rescue operation of each vehicle lasted 10 minutes from the beginning of the entry of the police vehicle to the valley To pull the vehicle stuck to the mainland.