Teller Report

What the King of the Night Needs: Details of the New Game of Thrones Series

4/22/2019, 5:57:35 AM

HBO channel presented the second episode of the eighth season of the series "Game of thrones". Caution: spoilers. The series lasts 55 minutes, its action takes place entirely in Winterfell and — which is remarkable — during this time not one of the heroes will die. At this time, viewers are witnessing the birth of a new romantic relationship, sex scenes between not the most obvious characters, and finally learn something about the intentions of the mysterious King of the Night. On the new episode - in the material RT.

The second episode of the eighth season of the Game of Thrones lasts 55 minutes. Her action takes place entirely in Winterfell, which is preparing for the advance of the army of the dead. In the forge, dragon-glass cannons — a material capable of striking white walkers on a par with the Valyrian steel — are forged at an accelerated pace.

Mines and swords will take a lot: they will engage all male northerners in the battle with the exception of old men and children. However, many women do not want to sit out at the time of the battle. Among them - the brave Lady Mormont, Arya Stark and, of course, Brienne Tart.

By the way, now Brienne Tarthe will no longer be called "lady": in a new episode she knighted by Jaime Lannister. The ceremony, of course, was not entirely legitimate - according to the customs of the Seven Kingdoms, women cannot become knights. But this is not what anyone cares about: in conversations of one half of the heroes, one can guess the decadent moods, others do not even try to hide that they are preparing for death. And before dying everything is possible.

This is also the opinion of Arya, who decided “not to spend the last hours with two old crooks” (meaning Sandor Kligan and Berik Dondarrion). The girl gives preference to Gendry and in the course of a short conversation inclines him to sex. “We will probably die soon, but before that I want to know it,” explains young Stark. Before sex, she manages to find out that Jendry had three girls before her, and he is also a bastard of King Robert Baratheon.

Arya updated her list # GameofThrones # / g608lAq3NZ

- SK (@SiddhantKd) April 22, 2019

As usual in the “Game of Thrones”, even in the balance of death, heroes do not stop thinking about love. Gray Worm and Missandea, among others, realize that their chances of survival are slim - however, they calm themselves with plans for the future. Shocked by the local climate and the isolation of northerners, Missandea confesses that she wants to “see the beaches again”, and the Gray Worm promises to take her to Naat when it is all over.

Probably, the development of relations should be expected between Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy - it is not without reason that viewers are shown their warm embrace upon meeting and meaningful looks after.

Tormund as usual does not hide that he is interested in Brienne. The leader of a free people compliments the “big woman” and brags in her presence. But it always comes out awkwardly. That only is the story told by Tormund about the origin of the nickname “Giant Death” (being a ten-year-old boy, he killed a giant, climbed into bed with his wife, who took wild for her child and watered her milk). The story is strange, and the scene is the same.

Tormund master tackle

- paya (@cccipherrr) April 22, 2019

Tormund is a little nervous because of the appearance of an opponent - Jaime. At the very beginning of the series, he appeared before Deineris, who all childhood dreamed of finding and destroying the “regicide” - that is, the murderer of her father. Fortunately, Brienne stood up for Jaime, and the queen's anger turned to Tirion: it turned out that Tirion was wrong, and Cersei (what a surprise!) Is not going to send an army to the North and continues to build machinations. But this Lannister is also lucky - the word Jorah Mormont will put in for him.

Nevertheless, in a conversation with Tyrion, Jaime confirms that she did not lie in one Cersei - she was really pregnant: “Cersei always knew how to tell the truth in order to lie.”

In addition, Jaime spoke with Bran and asked for forgiveness for trying to kill him, to which Stark replied that "he was not angry with anyone." Bran explained that he did not give out Lannister, because he would still be useful in the battle with the white walkers.

Typical Bran from Game of Thrones 🤣

- Actual World (@Actually_World) April 16, 2019

Deaneris with conversations in this series has no luck - the case is interrupted by two important conversations. In one, she disagreed with Sansa on the fate of the North after the victory (the queen predictably does not want to make him independent). Well, in the end, the Mother of the Dragons finally learns from the lips of John Snow the truth about his origin.

“If this is true, you are the only heir of the Targaryen House in the male line with the rights to the iron throne,” she says ominously, but here the sentinel announce the arrival of the King of Night troops. On this second episode of the eighth season ends.

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It is noteworthy that from the series, the action of which does not go beyond the boundaries of Winterfell and in which no one dies at last, fans of Game of Thrones get the answer to perhaps one of the most important questions: what the King of Night needs. And gives it all-knowing Brandon Stark.

“He wants an endless night. He wants to erase this world. And I am his memory, ”explains Bran.

From his words, we understand that the King of Night, in order to destroy the world of people, needs to get to the Three-Eyed Crow, which Bran is. But to survive, in order to defeat the army of the dead, you need to kill the King of Night - and therefore they decide to leave Bran in the Lord's House and use them as bait.

How exactly the characters will implement this plan into the life of the audience will probably see in the next series. Access to it will be open on April 28th.

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