Teller Report

What did Juventus coach say about the "immoral" Semion movement?

2/24/2019, 7:39:37 AM

MADRID - Juventus coach Massimiliano Alegre has said he will not "evaluate" the controversial move from Argentine coach Diego Simonei during their Champions League final on Wednesday.

MADRID - Juventus coach Massimiliano Alegre has said he will not "evaluate" the controversial move from Argentine coach Diego Simonei during their Champions League final on Wednesday.

However, Allegri explained that "everyone behaves in nature."

Simeoni raised the controversy with an out-of-the-way signal during the celebration of his team's first goal in the 2-0 win over Atletico.

"These are things that I do not judge or judge," Alegre told a news conference on Saturday before his match against Bologna in the Italian league.

Asked about the return game and the chances of the team after the defeat, Alegre said: "We have 20 days to prepare before the return game on 12 of next month. For this".

"Atletico Madrid are a great team that won the European Champions League three times and reached the Champions League final twice in the last nine years."

Simeoni, the former Atletico Madrid player, apologized after the "disgraceful" attack by Uruguayan defender Jose Khomez I of Atlético at Juventus in the final of the Champions League final with a 2-0 victory over the Rojiblancos. Respectable and made movements not worthy of a great coach.

"I ask forgiveness once again from those who felt offended by this movement and I also apologize to Juventus," Simeone told a news conference on Saturday.

"It was a way of expressing all that I felt about the players, a bad way, I say this in the hope of folding this page."