Teller Report

Weather forecasters predict warming in Moscow to +22 ° С by the end of the week

4/22/2019, 10:51:58 AM

Marina Makarova, a leading specialist at the Hydrometeorological Center, told RT about what kind of weather Muscovites and guests of the capital should expect this week.

“This week we are waiting for a stable, uniform weather. It will be determined by anticyclone. Anticyclone will be inactive, which explains the stability of the weather. Today, the maximum temperature in Moscow is +17 ... + 19 ° С, in the region +14 ... + 19 ° С. Rainfall during the week is not expected, the wind will be weak, western. On Tuesday night, the minimum temperature is +4 ... + 6 ° С, in the region +2 ... + 7 ° С. The daily temperature in the capital is +18 ... + 20 ° С, in the Moscow Region districts +16 ... + 21 ° С. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the temperature background is even higher. In Moscow at night +8 ... + 10 ° С, in the region +5 ... + 10 ° С, and in the afternoon up to +22 ° С, in the area the maximum temperature is +17 ... + 22 ° С ", said she is.

The forecaster noted that such a temperature background will exceed the climatic norm by 6-7 ° С.

“Weekend is expected to be 1-2 ° С higher than on weekdays. The sun will be very much. This weather has pros and cons. After the winter period, everyone needs vitamin D, but not everyone can like this hot weather, because trees are starting to bloom. Therefore, allergy sufferers should carefully follow the recommendations of their doctors, ”she believes.

Earlier it was reported that in Moscow on April 22 is expected to +19 ° C.

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