Teller Report

Waste landfill burns in Shchelkovo

4/23/2019, 8:39:40 PM

The head of the press service of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Moscow region, Fedor Polshin, in an interview with RIA Novosti stated that a fire had occurred at the Saburovo solid waste landfill in the Shchelkovo urban district.

The fire area, he said, is 350 square meters. m

“The source of ignition at the landfill“ Saburovo ”is about 350 square meters. m ", - said Poland.

At the same time, he added that, according to preliminary data, there is no threat to nearby settlements.

In place of emergency work emergency staff.

Earlier, URA.RU reported that the prosecutor’s office named the cause of the fire at the construction site of a public business center in Chelyabinsk.