Teller Report

Video .. Tiger raises terror and destruction in India

2/3/2019, 1:12:31 PM

In a city in India, Nimr caused extensive destruction and panic among residents for several hours last Friday. The tiger injured many residents of the northern Indian city of Jalandhar, who rushed to flee for fear. According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, Serious injuries.

A tiger, in a city in India, caused extensive destruction and panic and panic among the population for several hours, last Friday.

The tiger wounded many residents of the northern city of Jalandhar, who rushed to flee for fear, according to the site of the newspaper "Le Figaro" French, there are no serious injuries.

The residents of the city published a video of the tiger on the social networking site "Twitter" showing the population running and were in a state of panic and panic, as one of the men who tried to catch the tiger network, but failed, as the tiger pushed and dropped and then fled .

Several hours after the tiger fled, he was anesthetized and detained by a specialist veterinarian in the city.