Teller Report

Venezuelan Foreign Ministry: Caracas is ready for dialogue with the US

1/26/2019, 8:55:07 PM

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreas said Caracas is still ready for dialogue with Washington.

“We intend to establish communication and dialogue with the government of the president (USA Donald) Trump. This offer is still valid, ”said Arreas.

At the same time, Arreas noted that the Venezuelans themselves will solve internal problems and do not intend to allow outside interference.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that the UN countries would support Washington’s position on Venezuela and cut off the country's authorities, led by Nicolas Maduro, from their financial systems.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said the United States is trying to carry out a coup d'état in Venezuela.

RT is a live broadcast of the UN Security Council for Venezuela.

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