Teller Report

Venezuela .. The key to the crisis with the army

1/26/2019, 2:56:10 PM

After opposition leader Juan Guadillo declared himself president in Venezuela, Defense Minister Vladimir PadreƱo expressed his allegiance to "legitimate President" Nicolas Maduro, turning his attention to the Venezuelan army, believed to be the key to the crisis, according to a report in the French daily Le Monde.

"It would be a disgrace for us to wear this uniform if we do not defend the constitution," said the writer, Mary Dilka, who appeared on television with military commanders on Thursday, expressing his allegiance to Maduro, in response to Guido, 35, "We have vowed to die for our homeland, and we will do so, and we commend the will of the government, which is working to find a constitutional solution, as we bet on it."

The writer added that it is no secret that the fact that young opposition Guido received support from Washington, while the question remains whether the opposition cooperated with the army or not.

"Without the support of the military on the domestic front, it will not be easy to achieve a transition of power," said political scientist Luis Vicente Lyons.

Maduro during military parade (Reuters / Archive)

DeLaqa said the opposition, who appointed himself president, was directly recognized by US President Donald Trump and the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, but was recognized by only 16 of the 32 member states.

Dilka said Washington was not hiding its intention to cut off Maduro entirely, but Trump did not seem to intend to intervene militarily in Venezuela, as he did last year.

Americans seem to be looking to boost economic sanctions on Venezuela, with national security adviser John Bolton saying his country is studying how to "separate the illegal regime led by Nicholas Maduro from his sources of funding."

The author added that the opposition over the years was waiting for any gap in the armed forces, but the army proved that left no room for it.

"Soldiers have power, but their families are suffering from the consequences of the crisis and the lack of food, medicine and insecurity like the rest of the families," said Ronaldo San Miguel, head of the Sierra Guardadano military affairs group.

According to this center, more than four thousand members of the National Gendarmerie of Venezuela withdrew from military service in 2018, after being exhausted by their poor living conditions.

Dilka confirmed that General Padrino was working to maintain calm inside the military establishment, but admitted at the same time "to walk the devil between the military barracks," against the backdrop of the uprising of a handful of soldiers inside the barracks of the gendarmerie in Caracas, the movement was put into the cradle after the arrest of 27 military .

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The spokesman said that the spokesman for the organization "Provia" for the defense of human rights in Venezuela, Enti Rudeigues, pointed out that "the number of military officers who are now behind the bars of the index confirms the state of resentment experienced by the armed forces."

It also confirmed the imprisonment of two generals on charges of targeting Maduro through a march in August, as well as the imprisonment of about 180 soldiers on charges of "betrayal of the homeland" or "rebellion."

"The Venezuelan intelligence service, which is controlled by officials from Cuba, is doing well, and is capable of preventing any attempted rebellion within the military," said Christian Hernandez, a former lieutenant of the Venezuelan army who fled to Peru.

Dilka added that former President Hugo Chavez failed to launch a military coup in 1992, and when he took power six years later, he did not spare his time to ensure the loyalty of the army. But for 20 years Chavez has been glorifying the role the military plays in the country's history and present.

"We send a clear message to all the armed forces from the parliament. We appeal to you and invite you to stand by the Constitution and the people," she said.

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