Teller Report

US reported the destruction of 50 Al-Shabab militants in Somalia

1/19/2019, 8:33:50 PM

African Command of the US Armed Forces (AFRICOM) reported the destruction of 50 Al-Shabab * militants in Somalia

This is stated in a press release posted on the AFRICOM Twitter page.

It is noted that the blow was struck near the city of Jilib in the province of Middle Jubba.

"The African command of the US Armed Forces launched an air strike in response to the attack of a large group of Al-Shabab militants on the forces of the Somali national army," the report said.

On January 5, the media reported that the US plans to reduce its military presence in Somalia and to reduce air strikes against the rebels of the radical Islamist group Al-Shabab.

* Al-Shabab is a terrorist group banned in Russia.