Teller Report

US questions China's mission on the dark side of the moon

1/15/2019, 5:48:48 PM

Recent photos taken of the Chinese "Zhang 4" mission have revealed the dark side of the moon, while this was seen as a sign of the falsity of the mission by some conspiracy theorists.

Photos taken last week showed a white line in front of the Jade Rapt II vehicle of the Chinese mission, which the conspiracy theorists saw as evidence that the Chinese landing on the dark side was false.

Scott C. Waring, the owner of the Yufu City Daily blog, believes that China thought it could falsify the landing on the dark side of the moon, after finding that the United States had done the trick earlier (meaning the first landing of Apollo) and succeeded in deceiving many.

Warring went on to deduce the white line that appeared before the vehicle that the evidence that the line was not a trace of the wheels on the moon was not seen anywhere else.

He added that the proof of his conclusion is the absence of rocks and terraces of the moon in the images that were sent, which proves that the images were taken on flat ground.

Nigel Watson said the picture was not enough to judge the rigging of the Chinese mission. The line could be a dirt track or a flaw in the picture when taken.

Last week, China released a video showing new footage of the Zhang-4 mission, saying the mission had successfully achieved its goals.