Teller Report

Until April 13: Baring Vostok founder Michael Calvey arrested for two months

2/16/2019, 3:15:44 PM

The court arrested the founder of the investment company Baring Vostok and a member of the board of directors of Vostochny Bank Michael Calvey for two months. Americans are accused of embezzling 2.5 billion rubles. Earlier, five people were arrested, detained with him. Calvi’s defense intends to appeal the court’s decision.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested for 2 months the founder of the investment company Baring Vostok and a member of the board of directors of Vostochny Bank Michael Calvi.

“The petition of the investigator is subject to satisfaction,” RIA Novosti quotes Judge Artur Karpov as saying.

The decision of the court means that Calvi will be in custody until April 13. The investigation explained the unacceptability of house arrest by the fact that Calvi could leave Russia - most of the time he spends in London.

Recall that on February 15, it became known that Michael Calvi was detained by Ivan Zyuzin, director of Baring Vostok, Ivan Philip Delpal, partner in the financial sector, Vagan Abgaryan, media partner, and Maxim Vladimirov, CEO of the First Collection Bureau (PBC) Vyatka Bank "Alexey Kordichev. They are accused of embezzling 2.5 billion rubles through a loan issued by Vostochny Bank.

The first court session was held on Friday, February 15, but the investigation could not then provide materials that would confirm the fact of fraud. In addition, some of the materials were not translated into Russian, and therefore the court could not assess them properly. In connection with this meeting, it was decided to postpone to Saturday.

Michael Calvey’s lawyer Dmitry Kletochkin said that the defense intends to appeal the court’s decision.

“We do not agree with the decision of the court and we will appeal it to the Moscow City Court. We will ask for a house arrest or pledge, ”the TASS lawyer quotes.

Calvi denies his guilt. In his opinion, the cause of the case against him was a conflict with another co-owner of the bank, Artyom Avetisyan.

“Finvision and Mr. Avetisyan himself - these are opponents of Michael Calvey, who are now suing Mr. Avetisyan and his team at the London Arbitration Court - yesterday launched a procedure of interim measures in Cyprus to prevent Mr. Calvi from speaking out for his defense. An attempt to prevent him from trying to defend himself is connected with their fear of what he can tell, ”RIA Novosti quotes attorney Calvi.

At the same time, a representative of Vostochny Bank during the trial supported the petition of the investigation of the arrest of Calvi.

Kalvi will be placed in the Lefortovo detention center or the detention center inside the Matrosskaya Tishina, said the executive secretary of the Moscow Public Observatory Ivan Melnikov.

“This will be one of the isolators of federal subordination:“ Lefortovo ”or a special SIZO inside“ Matrosskaya Tishina ”. As soon as we know for sure where Calvi is being held, we will visit him, ”TASS quotes him.

"Transferred to the ownership of the stock instead of money"

The materials for the initiation of the case were transferred to the FSB of Russia, said the lawyer of the Director General of the First Collection Bureau, Maxim Vladimirov.

“The case was initiated on the material received from the FSB of Russia. We are talking about the qualification of the actions of officials and shareholders of Vostochny Bank. The agreement in question was signed by my client in February 2017, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

The lawyer also explained that in 2015, Vostochny issued a loan to the First Collection Bureau, and in 2017, instead of returning the funds, a compensation was issued, which was the reason for initiating a criminal case.

“Knowing that the First Collection Bureau controlled by the First Collection Bureau had a debt to the bank under loan agreements in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles, he (Michael Calvi. - RT ) decided to steal them, transferring 59, instead of the specified amount, to the ownership of the bank 9% of the International financial technology group, ”RIA Novosti reported with reference to the investigation materials.

Calvi, Delpal and others estimated the value of these shares at 3 billion rubles, while their real value, according to the investigation, is about 600 thousand rubles. However, Calvey argues that stocks could not have cost so little.

“PBC annually gave a net profit of approximately 100 million rubles, such a company should cost more than 2.5 billion rubles,” TASS reports.

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