Teller Report

United States: Democratic resolution in the House against Trump's state of emergency

2/23/2019, 8:18:37 AM

The Democrats have launched their offensive against the declaration of national urgency of Donal Trump, an exceptional measure of the president intended for the first time; to block special funds ...

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Nancy Pelosi, on February 5th at the Capitol. REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

The Democrats launched their offensive against Donul Trump's declaration of national emergency, an extraordinary step by the president to unblock special funds to finance his anti-immigration wall on the Mexican border. The Democratic parliamentarians presented a resolution Friday, February 22, 2019, to cancel it. But the president promises to veto it.

With our correspondent in San Francisco, Eric de Salve

According to the Democrats, Donald Trump's justifications for declaring a state of national emergency are fabricated. " There is no evidence to support the president's false assertion of a migration crisis at the border, " says Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, where Democrats are in the majority.

In January, Nancy Pelosi had won her first showdown with Trump, forcing her to reopen the administration without getting anything after 35 days of blocking. The resolution tabled this Friday by 225 elected members of the House aims to invalidate his maneuver, intended to finance his wall bypassing the Congress.

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The opposition promises a vote on Tuesday in the House. But his chances are low, because the resolution will then have to be voted by the Senate, where the Republicans are the majority. And even if it was voted by the Senate, Donald Trump promised to put his veto " 100% ". However, to override this veto, a vote of 2/3 of the Congress would be necessary.

The Democratic offensive is added in any case to that committed Monday by 16 states in a court of California. This complaint is also aimed at the cancellation of the declaration of urgency that should allow Donald Trump to puncture between 7 and 8 billion military budget to build part of its anti-immigration wall.

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