Teller Report

United States: already several favorites in the race for the Democratic nomination

1/12/2019, 11:42:41 PM

The first poll of the Democratic primary, with a view to the presidential election, takes place in a little over a year, on February 3, 2020. Some of them have been re-elected. their ambition since July 2017, ...

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Senator Elizabeth Warren, here in Council Bluffs, Iowa on January 4, 2019, was the first to embark on the 2020 Democratic primary. REUTERS / Brian Snyder

The first election of the Democratic primary, in view of the presidential election, takes place in a little over a year, February 3, 2020. Some have revealed their ambition since July 2017, a representative of Hawaii has declared Friday and a former Barack Obama minister did the same on Saturday. But aside from Senator Elizabeth Warren, we are still waiting for the headliners. Because as much, in 2016, it was known from the outset that Hillary Clinton had a very good chance of winning the nomination of his party, as the games are very open to contest the presidency to Donald Trump in November 2020. And the democratic voters will have the choice between very different profiles.

With our correspondent in New York, Grégoire Pourtier

Very progressive, soon in her seventies, but elected for only six years, Elizabeth Warren was the first to launch. For two weeks she has been taking light alone, but that will not last.

Same political profile, Bernie Sanders could compete on the left wing of this Democratic primary. He had electrified the crowds in 2016, but will be 79 years old on presidential election day.

A year younger, former Vice President Joe Biden also seems tempted. Old road politician speech centrist, it is the race in the lead in the polls. But it will be seen in a few weeks, when the plateau will be more complete.

Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, these three young women senators do not hide their ambition, as do their colleagues Sherrod Brown and Cory Booker or the Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti. Rising star of the party, the Texan Beto O'Rourke is considered as a surprise guest.

And that's not all, billionaire businessmen Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg also leave the doubt. Julian Castro, former Minister of Barack Obama, also lifted the last uncertainties this Saturday. The grandson of a Mexican immigrant, the former mayor of San Antonio is one of the most prominent Democrats to officially enter the 2020 presidential race.

That makes a lot ? These are just the "big" personalities, there are thirty potential contenders.